Reflective Essay On English Class. Good Essays. Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Through the semester, on the struggle bus, trying to write essays in short period times is the toughest part about English class Reflective Self-Analysis Essay My first semester as an exchange student, I decided to take a composition 1 class to improve my English skills. Before I came to America, I thought I was advanced in English and I was so confident to speak it Reflective Essay On The English Class I feel I accomplished a lot in this course. I’m more confident in my writing skills. Before taking this class, I wasn’t really confident in my writing and my work
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I have studied English since I was a grade seven, but the curriculum in my middle school and high school years, mainly focuses on reading and speaking components of language skills, with a little focus on writing. As a result, I never felt confident with any piece that I was asked to write, reflective essay on english class. Writing has been a hurdle for me to succeed in college since most of the courses in college requires one or the other way writing skill.
Consequently, I have decided to work on my writing skills, and have started working on it; even before, I started taking this English class. I used to use a various educational material which I thought might help me to meet my writing goal.
Writing in high school was so much simpler than the writings done in college. As a high school student, the effort put into writing is not as great as the effort needed for a college class. The papers were much shorter and the styles and audiences really differed as well. Comparing my writing in high school to the writing I have done during my first semester as a freshman college student, I have witnessed my writing become stronger.
My professor and colleagues reinforced this opinion. Writing a thesis has always been a struggle for me. The beginning of this class was as well but over the course of EnglishI was able to learn how to write a thesis correctly, and now I can take what I learned with me to high school and future college classes I may take.
The first essay that I wrote had many punctuation, grammar, and citation errors. My instructor and peers pointed them out, and I started realizing it on my own throughout the other essays I had to write. Moving on in high school we started writing essays and reading novels. This past years I used to refer to reading and writing as two different things with no relationship between them.
Now that I am already done with elementary, middle school and high school, as a college student the improvement in reading and writing is still continuing. College is reflective essay on english class time for more improvement, reflective essay on english class, a place where students recognize that reading and writing are complements, in order to read well we need to be able to write well and vice versa, to write well we need to be able to read well.
High school was a good experience, since I was an ELD English Learner Development student my first year in high school did not consist of essays and reading long novels as compared to my other freshmen fellows. Listening to what my peers had to say on my essay and reading the comments my professor wrote on my papers finally sunk in at the end of this course.
As a first year college student this course has taught me many core aspects to reflective essay on english class and critical thinking. Writing has not been one my strongest points in education, but I feel this course has helped me make strides in writing in many ways. This course has enlightened me on various aspects of writing and has taught me many different ways of writing quality essays, reflective essay on english class.
A few things that this course has taught me is how construct an acceptable thesis statement, how to prove my points in body paragraphs, and how to properly cite sources.
Although I have learned an immense deal of writing skills within this course there some things I feel I can improve upon, such as, introductions and properly heading papers.
My introduction was not clear and could not set the tone for the remainder of the essay. middle of paper e clean pages, I realize that I did not actively read the book. In EN class, I have learned to reflective essay on english class with a highlighter which has drastically taken my writing to a new level because I am able to connect back my initial insights marked on the page.
I acquired many skills over the EN semester. My major weaknesses in essay writing which were writing a sound thesis statement, expository writing and critical thinking now became my strengths in every essay I write. This English course was a reflective essay on english class informative class. We covered lots of criteria material and discussed topics during class. During the course, I have accomplish a variety of goals I once thought were unachievable. I still have a little ways to go to become the best writer I can be but by taking this course I have been able to expand and learn as a writer, editor, and analyzer of my work, peers work, and academic work, reflective essay on english class.
I have learned from others as others have learned from me. English class in high school used to be one of the classes I dreaded the most. From reflective essay on english class to numerous essays that we were required to participate in, I disliked it all, reflective essay on english class.
I would have to say that my first semester of college English was a major turning point for my love-hate relationship of this class. Over these few months I have grown as a writer and learned new and useful skills for the future. I would never have expected that I would enjoy writing as much as I do now.
In my former perspective, English was just composing mundane papers and a waste of time. However, the moment I entered English Composition 1 on August 29th, my entire perspective on English started to change, reflective essay on english class.
Several assignments in the course and reading through the textbook Patterns for College Writing by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell assisted me when it came to writing essays and understanding the different techniques and aspects of writing. I found myself learning more and enjoying English in this college course compared to my previous high school English classes, reflective essay on english class, where I struggled and did not have the resources to improve.
Home Page Reflective Essay On English Class. Reflective Essay On English Class Good Essays. Open Document.
Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Through the semester, on the struggle bus, trying to write essays in short period times is the toughest part about English class. I feel that college writing course has benefited my ability as a writer and has increased my confidence about writing. The style of writing that was introduced was not fully explain in my high school years, and was not something I believe I could mastered on my own.
In the semester, there was four major essays and about fifteen journals that I wrote during the semester. I learn how to analyze different style of essayarticle and short stories. There was three successful reflective essay on english class that has challenge me through the process and they had improved my writing skills. The first essay assignment was to write about how your. Get Access. Better Essays. English Class Reflection Paper Words 3 Pages. English Class Reflection Paper.
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11/4/ · The Reflective Essay Since joining the class and over the last semester, I have been pursuing English as a subject consequently learning the importance of brainstorming, aspects of organizing prior to writing, revising and collaborating in writing. The subject has provided a gateway through which I have learnt the art of expressing myself, literature, grammar as well as the language 14/5/ · Reflective essay english class examples for essay topic b. Therefore a move from the very class essay reflective english examples people whose livelihood depended on help from direct supervisors persists, refer the matter journal editors and newspaper articles, public documents and letters, in josquin des prez proceedings of the $ tax English 49 Reflective Essay. When you are taking an English class center around writing, you naturally become comfortable and begin to improve on your writing in your essays you write and the more you write them the more things you realize you need to work on
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