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Every dissertation uploaded to the digital deposit system is expected to meet the GSAS formatting guidelines noted below. Dissertations formatted improperly will be returned to the student for revisions.
We hope to columbia university dissertation rules the uploading of your dissertation a simple process. For your convenience and use while you write your dissertation — or toward the end, when you are preparing it for deposit — we suggest using this Word template or this LaTeX templatewhich incorporate and comply with all GSAS formatting requirements, and can be used to eliminate common formatting errors that may delay your dissertation deposit.
If you wish to deposit in time for a particular deadline, please upload the document several days in advance. While proper use of the template should ensure immediate deposit, columbia university dissertation rules, a cushion of a few days allows for any formatting issues to be identified and corrected. This Word template and this LaTeX template incorporate all GSAS formatting requirements, and may be used while writing the dissertation or at the time of deposit.
All four margins of the page must be at least one inch, and the left and right margins should be equal. Charts, graphs, and illustrations may be placed horizontally in order to conform to the margin requirements as long as they remain clear and legible—when this occurs, columbia university dissertation rules, the page number must still appear "right-side up," matching the rest of the page numbers in the manuscript. Musical scores must have at least one-inch margins on each side.
The text, abstract, dedication, acknowledgments, and table columbia university dissertation rules contents are double spaced. Normally, quotations of eight lines or more are indented and single spaced. Footnotes, columbia university dissertation rules, endnotes, and bibliographic entries should be single spaced with double spacing between each entry.
All dissertations should be structured according columbia university dissertation rules the table below. The three broad sections cover pages, prefatory pages, and the main body and other pages each have a different convention for page numbering; please see the more specific notes below the table.
Please pay careful attention to the requirements for page numbering, as they are necessary to ensure that your dissertation is properly formatted and prepared for possible printing.
All prefatory pages are numbered continuously using lower-case Roman numerals i, ii, iii centered at the bottom of the page. All other pages, including the main body of the dissertation, references, bibliographies and appendices, are numbered continuously using Arabic numerals 1, 2, It is possible to set up section breaks in Microsoft Word to account for the three different types of page numbering while keeping the entire dissertation in one file.
Please note that any columbia university dissertation rules that contains a large chart, graph or image that has a "landscape" orientation must still include a page number in the same location as all other pages. This page number should be placed so that, if the page is rotated to a "portrait" orientation, the number appears centered at the bottom. These individual pages may then be oriented "landscape" within your PDF file if you wish, to make them easier to read.
Here is a sample landscape page. If a part of the dissertation is a reproduction that has already been paginated in another source e. The preferred fonts are point Arial or point Times New Roman; however, any legible serif or sans-serif standard font may be used, as long as it is roughly equivalent in size, columbia university dissertation rules.
Script or ornamental fonts should not be used. The font should be uniform throughout the text, although a separate font or a slightly smaller size may be used for footnotes, tables, graphs or appendices, pagination, the abstract, and the table of contents. All fonts must be embedded in the PDF file. In the title of your dissertation, use full proper names of people, organisms, places, etc. For example: "Samuel Clemens," not "S. Clemens"; Caenorhabditis elegansnot C.
Spell out abbreviations, and use word substitutions for formulae, symbols, Greek characters, etc. For example: "Triassic," not "Tr. Use italics for the titles of other works or for the scientific name of an organism. Be sure to include all appropriate accent and diacritical marks.
Choose columbia university dissertation rules relevant example to see how the information on your title page must be presented. There are differences in text for each one, so be sure to choose the correct columbia university dissertation rules. Epidemiology French and Romance Philology Genetics and Development Germanic Languages History Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Italian Latin American and Iberian Cultures Material Science and Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection Middle Eastern, South Asian, columbia university dissertation rules, and African Studies Music Neurobiology and Behavior Nursing Nutritional and Metabolic Biology Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine Pharmacology and Molecular Signaling Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Slavic Languages Social Work Sociology Sociomedical Sciences Statistics Sustainable Development Teachers College all PhD programs Theatre Urban Planning.
The year on the title page must be the calendar year in which the degree is conferred. This may in columbia university dissertation rules cases differ from the year on the copyright page see below. The copyright page should immediately follow the title page. Centered at the bottom of an otherwise blank page, there should be three lines, substituting your own name and the year the manuscript was completed:, columbia university dissertation rules.
Click here for an example page. The year on the copyright page should be the calendar year in which the manuscript was columbia university dissertation rules, and in certain cases this may differ from the year on your cover page.
If, for example, you complete and deposit your dissertation in late October, November, or December, your degree will be conferred the following February. This means that your copyright page will have one year on it the year in which the manuscript was completed and the cover page will have the following year on it the year in which the degree will be conferred, columbia university dissertation rules.
While your dissertation will be as a rule made available openly through Academic Commons, Columbia's institutional repository, you may also wish to apply a Creative Commons license to your dissertation rather columbia university dissertation rules a traditional copyright. For more information on how this works, please consult this page. The copyright page should not have a page number, and is not counted toward the page count of your prefatory pages.
The Columbia Copyright Office is an excellent source of information about copyright. The abstract page s should immediately follow the copyright page. At the top of the page should be the following header, substituting your own name and the title of your dissertation:. The abstract itself follows below.
It should be double spaced, and there is no word limit. Do not include diagrams, images, abbreviations, or formulae in the abstract. The abstract should not have a page columbia university dissertation rules, and is not counted toward the page count of your prefatory pages.
Reference notes may be placed at the bottom of the page, columbia university dissertation rules, at the end of the chapter, or at the end of the dissertation before the bibliography.
Dissertations in the natural sciences and in some social sciences place citations to the reference or source material in parentheses throughout the text itself with a list of all references in the latter part of the work.
The author should follow the leading manuals in his or her field regarding style unless it conflicts with the requirements set out in these instructions. Any quotations, references, and phrases in foreign languages should follow departmental or disciplinary style. GSAS recommends the most recent editions of these style manuals: Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, University of Chicago Press; MLA Style SheetNew York Modern Language Association of America; The Chicago Manual of StyleUniversity of Chicago Press; Publication ManualAmerican Psychological Association.
Students whose dissertations were approved to be written in a language other than English should consult this page. Student Guide Resources for every step of your graduate education. Formatting Guidelines and Dissertation Template.
Dissertation Template. Required Order and Page Numbering. Required Order Contents Page Numbering Cover pages and abstract 1. Title page 2. Copyright page 3. Abstract No page numbers; pages are not counted Prefatory pages 1, columbia university dissertation rules. Table of contents 2, columbia university dissertation rules. List of columbia university dissertation rules, graphs, illustrations 3.
Acknowledgments 4. Dedication Lowercase Roman numerals beginning with "i" centered at the bottom of each page Main body and all other pages 1. Preface if applicable 2. Main body of the dissertation 3. Appendices if applicable Arabic numerals beginning columbia university dissertation rules "1" centered at the bottom of each page Cover pages title page, copyright page, abstract are NOT numbered. Title Page. Copyright Page. Centered at the bottom of an otherwise blank page, there should be three lines, substituting your own name and the year the manuscript was completed: © 20xx Jane Smith All Rights Reserved Click here for an example page.
At the top of the page should be the following header, substituting your own name and the title of your dissertation: ABSTRACT The Title of a Fantastic Dissertation about Very Important Things Jane Smith The abstract itself follows below. Dissertations Written in Foreign Languages. Appendices if applicable. Sample Page.
How to format your paper in APA style in 2021
, time: 11:55
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