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Essay on how socialization influence a person

Essay on how socialization influence a person

essay on how socialization influence a person

The influence of socialization becomes obvious in everything. This process includes all aspects of everyday life, such as: principles, values, rules of life and goals people set up and share with each other. Being socialized means being aware of everything. The first and the most important part of the socialization process is the family. It exerts a great influence upon us and affects every individual The non-essentialist or ‘social constructivist’ view of the self contends that we are shaped and modified by the external influences of society and culture. It is ruled entirely by structure as opposed to agency. Subsequently, ethnicity, age, gender, religion and social class play are significant part in Thesis: Through his emphasis on the individual's performance of social roles, Goffman demonstrates that, although social organization and dynamics do influence individual behavior, it is the individual herself who determines the final shape of this behavior

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These hierarchies then have concepts that determine or affect ones actions in societies, essay on how socialization influence a person.

These concepts range from which space one can enter, what one wears in a social setting and how people divide up their time, essay on how socialization influence a person.

I used two examples: social space and costumes. These two stuck out to me the most because I interact with them daily. I am also very diligent when it comes to my time but these two concepts specifically pertain to my life. However, a critical examination of this belief is necessary to consider its validity by examining society itself.

Society is contingent on relationships. Social interaction exposes personal identity. Our likes and dislikes reflect a mirror image of how we view ourselves. Similarly, relationships shape our sense of self.

The importance of locating identity within the social arena is expressed as it is believed that people conform to expectations placed on them by various social forces Stryker, The self is distributed across different social arenas and the notion of people playing roles can feel uncomfortable as it can be seen as autonomic and manipulating Stryker, This alternative view contributes a better understanding in the notion of competing roles, as it is useful for individuals to have competing traits where we change within different relationships or situations to suit the needs of different aspects in life.

The CP approach see the self as de-centred, where identity is claimed to be more prominent and tied to social and cultural ideals Freeman, Humans are complex beings. We have different motivations, goals, and aspirations but what influences us to have these goals? What motivates us to strive for them?

The social pressures we experience on day to day bases are what influence us to change and adapt. Social relational contexts involve any situation where individuals define themselves in relation to others to understand the situation and act in an everyday interaction. According to Stryker and Vryansymbolic. Despite the changes in ones society and culture, members of any society like happiness in their own ways.

In complex societies, it is valid to question about our contributions to happiness of its members. While material contributions to societies meet the physical needs, mental problems and needs are more difficult to satisfy.

This is the point where society and culture become intertwined. To understand how culture and society coexist, you need to know the basic definition of culture: a system of socially acquired values, beliefs, and rules of conduct which limit the range of accepted behaviors in any given society. Relationship Between Consumption and Identity In traditional societies, people's identity was rooted in a set of social roles and values, which provided orientation and religious sanctions to define ones place in the world.

In modernity, identity is often characterised in terms of mutual recognition, as if ones identity depended on recognition from others combined with self- validation of this recognition.

Identity still comes from a pre set of roles and norms. For example, a mother or a catholic, identities are still limited and fixed, though I believe the boundaries of possible new identities are continually expanding. Current research suggests some theorists believe identity as something essential, substantial, fixed and essentially invariable. A person may identify themselves as one thing in their home environment but that identity could change once in a professional of educational environment.

Identity is one aspect of an individual but is based off of learned expectations from society. As essay on how socialization influence a person as we would like to see ourselves as totally independent, without our family, our peers, language, culture, and bigger institutions suggesting ways of living we would have no basis for constructing an identity.

middle of paper Covering one's traits to be accepted is a conscious choice, but essay on how socialization influence a person influenced by the pressure that society has over the personal identity of an individual.

It seems that in order to be accepted as a member of a society, one needs to fit the mold of the social identity without it the society's membership is denied. I argue that it is difficult for a person to not view gender as a prominent part of their self due to the emphasis that society places on gender socialization.

In terms of race, I do not see my race as a central part of my identity, essay on how socialization influence a person. However, I think that if I were of a minority race then I would see gender as a more central part of who I am as a person.

Personally speaking, I view my social identities as producing a role-conflict with some of the role identities that I associate with my sense of self. Overall, the self is more than what a person does or who they are. Home Page The Influence of Socialization on the Individual, essay on how socialization influence a person.

The Influence of Essay on how socialization influence a person on the Individual Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Surrounded by controversy, socialisation has persistently had a paramount influence on the way that we, as individuals, conform to the roles that we are presented with in everyday life in regards to the self, work and gender.

A significant contradiction concerning the way in which we socialise is that although we are in our most ordinary roles that appear inborn, we are essentially in masked roles that are composed by society Willis, Although we manage our roles and they seem natural, they are in reality roles that have been assembled by society. It is ruled entirely by structure as opposed to agency. Subsequently, ethnicity, age, gender, religion and social class play are significant part in influencing the self.

Still, It is argued that if the non-essentialist view continues to be so indomitable, we may be seemingly modelled by societal views and structure. On the other hand, the essentialist views of the self have caused debate as it argues that through mediation, travel, or counselling, individuals will be able to find their inner self.

Unlike the non-essentialist view, it focuses on the idea that society is connected to the individual more so than societal views, and internal factors such as agency and individual control are empowering.

However, Erving Goffman in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, the social roles in which we behave in are emphasised, highlighting that although we appear at our most natural, we are actually in roles that society has influenced, cancelling out the essentialist views.

th dirt whereas girls from a young age play Barbie dolls; while growing up they still aspire to look like Barbie — dieting for the perfect body, dark tan, platinum blonde hair Walter,Pg, essay on how socialization influence a person.

Socialisation has had a constant influence on the way that we, as individuals, present ourselves in everyday life roles in regards to the self, work and gender. Controversy will continue to linger among the different views. A substantial contradiction with reference to the way in which we socialise is that despite being in our most mundane roles that appear natural and given, we are really in roles that are constructed by society Willis, Get Access.

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essay on how socialization influence a person

Thesis: Through his emphasis on the individual's performance of social roles, Goffman demonstrates that, although social organization and dynamics do influence individual behavior, it is the individual herself who determines the final shape of this behavior There are four agents of socialization that have been chosen as the most impacting on a person's life. These agents of socialization influence how a person will behave, influence, and think among society. Although the family has been categorized as the most influential agent of socialization, this is not the only agent that impacts a person life Jun 24,  · Essay on How Socialization Influence a Person Human is often characterized as a social animal, and it is, to a great extent, true. Human as a human can only exist among other humans; being deprived of communication with the representatives of his species, he ceases to become a man in a full meaning of this word

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