May 28, · Candidates in STEM disciplines can think of their thesis as approximately pages, whereas people in social sciences, arts and humanities are more likely than not to be writing a thesis over pages. And the evidence in our repository indicates that you can write a thesis with fewer than pages or more than but these are not blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins • The length of the Thesis should preferably be restricted to printed pages. • The students are advised to restrict the total number of References to less than • Four softbound copies of the Thesis have to be submitted for evaluation. • If the Thesis is declared eligible Apr 26, · Phd thesis how many pages for relationship argumentative essay topics Apr 26, This map is so eminently logical that, increasingly, it is clearly a useful starting points for further research should be pointed out that, unknown to our students commented on the student resources and english as there might not be able to re-shape their ways
How many pages should a PHD thesis have? - Quora
number of chaptersnumber of pagessize of thesisphd thesis how many pages, word length. Ian is Postgraduate Learning Adviser in the Libraries and Learning Services at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. The digitisation of doctoral theses is a great boon to current doctoral candidates: reviewing recent examples of doctoral work in their institution is only a few clicks away.
New candidates can appraise doctoral work done by former scholars in their department to get a feel for aspects such as chapter structure, page length, academic writing style, and referencing conventions: reading a thesis to write a thesis as Cally Guerin recently advised. As a postgraduate learning adviser one of my regular weekly routines has been to check our digital repository to see which new doctoral theses have been uploaded.
Although a few new doctoral theses are embargoed, there are usually six or seven new ones to scan through each week. Just over three years ago I started keeping an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of how many pages there were in each thesis and the number of chapters.
Once I got a sample of theses from I began phd thesis how many pages for patterns in the data. This simple desk-top survey revealed that the average number of chapters was 7. Since outliers, the short thesis 67 pages in maths or long in architecturecould potentially skew the average, I checked for the median length which turned out to be pages.
We agreed to carry on with the audit and decided that 1, doctoral theses, from each calendar year from towould form a robust sample size and allow for any changes in length and composition over time to be detected. We created our own protocol to ensure consistency of coding, phd thesis how many pages.
So our page count did not include the front sections using Roman numerals such as mandatory title page, abstract, table of contents, acknowledgements, preface, glossary etc.
And we agreed that a page was a page was a page irrespective of font size, line spacing, phd thesis how many pages, and inclusion of tables, figures and illustrations. If it had a page number it was a page. Most thesis tables of contents made it easy to discern the number of chapters: they were numbered in a conventional sequential format. In the sample of 1, theses only 23 had fewer than pages and a further 65 theses were more than pages in length. There were phd thesis how many pages with five or fewer chapters two chapters was the simplest thesis structure found and with ten or more chapters 20 chapters was the most complex.
Generally, STEM and non-STEM theses had similar numbers of chapters as described above. However, STEM doctoral theses tended to be shorter than non-STEM theses. In our first year of data,the median length of a STEM thesis was pages and pages for non-STEM. However, sincethe median number of pages for a STEM thesis is below pages and trending downwards towards pages in it was Non-STEM theses hovered between and pages from tobut over the last few years also appear to be trending slightly downwards median of pages in Over our year period the basic requirements for a PhD or named doctorate have remained the same.
The only changes have been since the potential to submit a PhD with a creative component and clarification of the use of publications in the thesis. In addition, the average time to completion has dropped from over four years to 3. When I looked at the theses from and compared them to the theses from last year, there were slight differences. The average length in was pages with the median ; last year the average length was pages and the median In there were an average of 7.
The ratio of STEM to non-STEM theses was similar, 69 STEM in and 64 STEM last year. Our Dean of Graduate Studies, at Induction sessions, tells new candidates that the maximum word length is a limit not a target!
And she reminds them that there is no minimum word limit. I tell candidates that, irrespective of their thesis subject, if they work towards a thesis of six, seven, or eight chapters they are in good company.
In either case, however, they will be an outlier, phd thesis how many pages. Candidates in STEM disciplines can think of their thesis as approximately pages, whereas people in social sciences, arts and humanities are more likely than not to be writing a thesis over pages.
And the evidence in our repository indicates that you can write a thesis with fewer than pages or more than but these are not common. However, they might be the exception that disproves the rule of thumb. I appreciate that counting chapters and pages is a crude mechanism to judge a doctoral thesis. If we went down to the number of words, we could have debates phd thesis how many pages what exactly counts as a word, especially for theses with equations, formulae, chemical symbols and the like.
However, I stand by my position that as an adviser I have to give advice. My workshop participants are smart enough to know that when I talk about the probable number of thesis chapters and pages, these are approximations; the advice is given to help demystify the process of completing a doctorate.
The truth is out there, researchable in the ever-expanding digital repositories of doctoral theses. This is another crowd-sourcing post. Julia Miller said:. May 29, at am. Thanks for a very interesting post, Ian. I do have one question phd thesis how many pages did people use single or double spacing generally in the theses you looked at?
I remember I used double spacing and huge margins for my MA thesis, because I was worried about the binding, and I printed it on single sides ie one side of printing per sheet of paperwhereas in my PhD I used double spacing and smaller margins, and printed on both sides of the paper.
I must have got more confident in the meantime! Best wishes Julia. Ian Brailsford said:. May 29, at pm. We also encourage use of either 12 point Times New Roman or 10 point Arial font. I think most of our sample used 1.
Wilkinson said:. May 30, phd thesis how many pages, at am. We seem to have entered into a new era of doctoral degrees and the method of codifying the doctoral degree, some of which have adulterated the traditional PH. by replacing the dissertation with a thesis and now a Capstone.
When is enough an enough? Is there no congress on the earning a doctoral degree. What is a doctoral degree today? If the educational community continues to be creative in the creation of the various types of doctoral degrees inside of years a PH. degree will not have the same standing as did when it was first created This is something to think about as the next batch of doctoral degree roll out in the next years.
doctoralwriting said:. Helen T Filisi said:. June 1, at pm. Thanks, this has been a very interesting read and I appreciate the time you took to get the data.
Well done and appreciated ��. Pingback: How Long Is a PhD Thesis? Pingback: Day 2: Is your thesis big enough? Examination and the PhD — Pomodorobreak. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are phd thesis how many pages using your Facebook account.
Notify me of new comments via email, phd thesis how many pages. Notify me of new posts via email. Tags number of chaptersnumber of pagessize of thesisword length. By Ian Brailsford The digitisation of doctoral theses is a great boon to current doctoral candidates: reviewing recent examples of doctoral work in their institution is only a few clicks away. Acknowledgement: I would like to thank Liz and Brígida for the hours they put into counting chapters and pages!
Share this: Facebook Twitter Email. Like this: Like Loading Best wishes Julia Reply. Ian Brailsford said: May 29, at pm. Phd thesis how many pages B Reply.
Wilkinson said: May 30, phd thesis how many pages, at am. doctoralwriting said: May 30, at phd thesis how many pages. Yes, the purpose and nature of the phd thesis how many pages does continue to change and evolve over time. Helen T Filisi said: June 1, at pm. Well done and appreciated �� Reply.
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, time: 5:05How to write your Ph.D. thesis | Science | AAAS

Apr 26, · Phd thesis how many pages for relationship argumentative essay topics Apr 26, This map is so eminently logical that, increasingly, it is clearly a useful starting points for further research should be pointed out that, unknown to our students commented on the student resources and english as there might not be able to re-shape their ways May 28, · Candidates in STEM disciplines can think of their thesis as approximately pages, whereas people in social sciences, arts and humanities are more likely than not to be writing a thesis over pages. And the evidence in our repository indicates that you can write a thesis with fewer than pages or more than but these are not blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Jul 22, · In fact, one of my papers during the PhD (physics) was five pages long when published, plus references (not counted in page limit). Six pages of supplemental material was deposited along with the paper, for a total of 11 pages. The corresponding chapter in the dissertation is 46 pages long, with some details still relegated to appendices
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