Oct 28, · Reconstruction (), the turbulent era following the Civil War, was the effort to reintegrate Southern states from the Confederacy and 4 Feb 13, · Rebuilding The South After the Civil War, problems like destruction, hunger, and violence occurred in the Southern parts of the United States. The United States was in a desperate state for improvements the economy and getting production back to the way they used to be Reconstruction was a period of political crisis and considerable violence. Many white Southerners envisioned a quick reunion in which white supremacy would remain intact in the South. In this vision, African Americans, while in some sense free, would have few civil rights and no voice in government
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Please join StudyMode to read the full document. After the victory of the union after the Civil Warmany things had changed. The fact that the War was over was good news but it left the United States with a new set of problems that were no less challenging than the Civil War itself. The four most important challenges were how the south would rebuild its shattered society and economy after the damage inflicted by the four years of war?
In addition to that the conflicts between the regional sections, political parties, and economic interests continued beyond the war. For example, republicans in the North wanted to continue the economic progress begun during the war.
Meanwhile the south aristocracy still needed cheap labor force to work its plantations. The poeple just received one problem after another. The victory of the union after the Civil The period of Reconstruction began during the Civil War and ended in This era is known for the advancements made in favor of racial equality. These improvements included the fourteenth amendment citizenship and equal protection under the law to blacks and the fifteenth amendment voting rights for blacks of the Constitution.
Yet, with the end of Reconstruction inthe Republican Party lost control of the southern governments and the Democratic Party took over. This shift in power was supposed to mark the beginning of the "New South " in which the virtues of thrift, industry, and progress would become the model characteristics of the South. However, the changes in the South from reflected traditional attitudes and policies, such as power in the hands of a conservative oligarchy, the maintaining of agriculture over industry as the primary source of economics, and the return of white supremacy, rather than the vision of the New South.
With the change in political power from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party inthe South again was back to mainly all white governments which eliminated any political gains blacks had made during Reconstruction. Another change caused by the new Democratic Party was a return to a powerful, conservative oligarchy, which had been the case before the Civil Each of the four articles portrayed a different explanation for why Reconstruction did not work out reconstruction of the south after civil war planned by the United States Government.
Thomas W, reconstruction of the south after civil war. Carter Woodson asserts that former slaves were reconstruction of the south after civil war given a fair chance to make Reconstruction work, while Thomas Bailey blames the Radicals for pushing it on clueless, former slaves.
Finally, Mary Beth Norton takes issue with the resistance of Reconstruction that the South held from the beginning. While each tells a varied story of their interpretation of why it failed, all agree that indeed, reconstruction of the south after civil war, Reconstruction failed.
Thus, former slaves were not given a fair chance to reconstruct their lives and the Southern states could not fairly restart their participation as part of the United States. The perceived heroes and villains of Reconstruction varied between the four articles. Wilson claimed heroism to the Southern white men who were forced to take the law into their own hands, since the government had burdened them with issues such as increased taxes.
Reconstruction Reconstruction was a period of time between andwhich was very complex and controversial. It refers to the actual rebuilding of the south physically, economically and politically from the damage of the Civil War. It was an effort to rebuild southern states and also to restore the Union. During this time period, the federal government passed a series of laws, acts and amendments to bring change.
Many of these amendments guaranteed the equal rights to African-Americans. Yet, the question was still that is reconstruction successful? The topic of reconstruction is still very debatable even today. Although there are more facts that would prove reconstruction to be very much successful, there is also evidence that would prove it to be unsuccessful. The Civil War ended on April 9, Abraham Lincoln was the president during the time.
However, Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, After his death, Andrew Johnson, vice president for Lincoln, became the president and the reconstruction plan was now divided between Johnson and the Radical Republicans, reconstruction of the south after civil war, the Congress.
Johnson and Reconstruction The civil war is considered by many the most important war that our country has endured. During the 5 year Civil Warnot only didmen die, but our nation was left in ruins. It was necessary that our country be rebuilt from bottom up. Reconstruction of the south after civil war Lincoln, said to be the brightest president of his time, had plans and ideas for reconstruction.
Unfortunately, these plans were failed to be put in place due to the fact of his assassination on April 14, Throughout some of the most politically tough years our nation has experienced lousy presidents were elected, plans and bills failed and succeeded, and struggles with civil rights were prominent everywhere. Because of the small number of confederates needed to swear allegiance, the radical republicans in congress were angered and proposed the The time after the Civil War was known as the period of Reconstruction which lead to many changes in how the U.
When slavery was abolished the now free African Americans had their freedom there was many repercussions in economic, political, and social areas within the country. For instance, African Americans were able to work in order to provide for themselves, black men earned the right to vote, and the government worked to help African Americans become self reliant.
These changes continued into modern day as they were important points in U. With the abolishment of slavery came many changes in the social interactions between the white and black populations. One noticeable issue was that there was no plan set in place reconstruction of the south after civil war help the now free African Americans integrate into a society that looked down on them.
The second document compares the other emancipations of other countries to the one in America and describes how they were significantly more efficient at incorporating the new population of people into their society. To try and make up for this mistake the U. government created the Freedmen's Bureau in order to help provide resources to the Reconstruction of the south after civil war American population in order to help their integration into society.
However, even with the resources needed to provide for themselves there was still an imbalance between the two groups with the white population looking down upon their former After the Civil War the leaders of our fragmented nation were forced to face a daunting task.
Government officials who did not have any constitutional guidelines on readmission had to pick of the pieces of a divided country and develop a plan that would bring states back into the Union.
Furthermore, new economic and social policy was needed to accommodate freedmen. Reconstruction was a failed approach to reunite the Union because of weak policy and the inability of executives to develop a nonpartisan plan that would ease tension with the Southern states. As the initial reconstruction efforts began, President Abraham Lincoln was presented with the Wade-Davis Bill, in Instead of signing a bill that would allow for racial equality and permit states to rejoin the Union by a simple majority of votes by prewar voters, reconstruction of the south after civil war, Lincoln pocket vetoed it.
Unfortunately, Lincoln was assassinated in mid and was unable to bestow a new plan for readmission. This task fell upon then Vice President Andrew Johnson. Although his plan was widely accepted by Republicans, it had no mention of civil rights and restored property entitlements to white Southerners.
Despite this, white Southerners did not care for this plan and many Southern states refused to ratify the 13th amendment. During his The Civil War brought destruction to the Southits economy suffered from all the costs, the land suffered from all the battles, the people suffered due to Sherman, and African Americans were fighting a tough battle with the North on their side and the South against them, reconstruction of the south after civil war.
In December the newly elected Southern legislators arrived in Washington to take their seats Johnson pardoned them all but Congress refused to admit the newly elected legislators Even though Congress wanted to help the South and through Reconstruction they saw that Johnson was favoring the South and that the newly elected legislators Sign Up.
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Reconstruction: The Civil War in Four Minutes
, time: 4:45Reconstruction - Civil War End, Changes & Act of - HISTORY

The Reconstruction implemented by Congress, which lasted from to , was aimed at reorganizing the Southern states after the Civil War, providing the means for readmitting them into the Union, and defining the means by which whites and blacks could live together in a nonslave society The southern railroads didn't improve much right after the war because the federal government was building the transcontinental railroad betweenthe east and west coasts of the United States. The economy of the South was slow to recover due to the delay in the repairing and the building of new railroad track. The Money and Credit Factor Reconstruction was a period of political crisis and considerable violence. Many white Southerners envisioned a quick reunion in which white supremacy would remain intact in the South. In this vision, African Americans, while in some sense free, would have few civil rights and no voice in government
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